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We have jackets in all sizes... Our Asylum is very well known for it's use of Restraints and Hug-Me Jackets... Our Fearless Leader, Psykotika, even admits she's heavily medicated. She has to be to be able to control us.

Would you like to step into our world? Never know... You just might like it...

Ok... So... Let me tell you a little bit about us... We are a quickly up and comin' wrestling stable. We accept all challenges that are thown our way. Sure... We win some and we lose some... But we win more often than the alternitive... Oh, and yes... We're Insane... Hence the name of the stable...

Want more?? Oh, ok... You've twisted my arm... And trust me... That hurts. Especially when they're taking you down to the floor, sticking a needle into you.
Each one of us is unique in our own way... Find out more when you click on our pictures....

Enter The Asylum

Don't worry... There will be more to come...